The story behind Poloca Surf

Hello, I’m Vicky, nice to meet you!

Victoria Sadowska Poloca Surf School Lanzarote

Victoria Sadowska

Founder and surf coach at Poloca Surf
  • ISA/Surfing GB qualified Surf Coach level 1
  • International Beach Lifeguard
  • Personal Trainer
  • Over 11 years experience coaching surfing
  • Over 14 years surf experience
  • Winner of the Online National Polish Surf Championship 2023

About Poloca Surf Founder and Coach

Hi, I’m Vicky the founder and coach at Poloca Surf. Born near Madrid in Spain to Polish parents, I developed a love for sports early on, diving into capoeira, swimming, snowboarding, and skateboarding. Judo, however, was where I truly excelled, competing at a professional level.

My journey in sports took a new turn when I pursued a degree at the University of Physical Education in Warsaw. During my second year, I went to Portugal for a study exchange, and that’s where I discovered surfing.

From that first wave, I was hooked. I became the first Polish woman to receive a surf instructor license from the Academy of Surfing Instructors (ASI). My passion led me to Portugal and eventually to the stunning Canarian Island of Lanzarote, where I established Poloca Surf.

With over twelve years of coaching experience and countless hours on the board, I’m here to share my love for surfing with you. I’m a qualified Surf Coach Level 1 by ISA/Surfing GB and an International Beach Lifeguard. More than anything, I’m dedicated to helping others find joy and success in surfing.

About Poloca Surf: Goal-Oriented Surf Coaching

At Poloca Surf, I do more than teach you how to stand up on the surfboard – I help you achieve your surfing goals. My three-pillar training program is tailored to fit your individual needs.

And yes, we’ll have plenty of fun along the way!

Creating a friendly and approachable environment is key to effective surf coaching. Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions or small group classes, I ensure that my coaching is safe, positive, and practical, providing real value.

I’ve seen many intermediate surfers struggle with progress because they repeat the same techniques without improvement. With professional, goal-oriented coaching, I can introduce new methods, identify technical issues, and help you elevate your surfing skills.

If you feel stuck in your surfing journey, reach out. Let’s craft a bespoke training program just for you and take your surfing to the next level.

Women surf skate class in Lanzarote Spain